Rosalind Levacic

Current Work

Since  April 2000 I have been  Professor of Economics and Finance of Education, Institute of Education, University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL.

I am a Research Associate at the Centre for Economics of Education (DfES funded research centre) and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Educational Administration, Beijing Normal University.


My professional activities are research, consultancy and teaching Masters degree in Economics of Education and research degree supervision.


Areas of expertise for consultancy work

Reform of school finance systems– decentralisation and funding schools by formula (per student funding).

School based financial management and the management of resources within schools.

Public expenditure tracking applied to school systems.

Educational finance in general.

I have considerable experience of working on school finance reforms in transition states in central and eastern Europe and central Asia.  I have also worked in developing countries in Asia.


Financing Reforms and School Based Budgeting and Accounting (Republic of Azerbaijan(2005-7)

I am assisting with the design and implementation of a pilot project in 3 rayons (districts) to introduce per pupil funding of schools and school based financial management. This project is a sub-component of a comprehensive Education Sector Development Project being funded by the International Development Association in its first phase from 2004-7.