Welcome to my website
I am an education consultant and Professor of Economics and Finance of Education at the Institute of Education, University of London.
My main area of research and consultancy work is school finance, with particular reference to the decentralization of the management and financing of schools. I have worked as an education consultant on a number of school finance projects in transition countries and have some experience of working in developing countries in Asia.
I teach economics of education and educational finance at the Institute of Education, University of London, where I am course leader for the MA in Economics of Education and MSc in Economics of Education. More information on these courses can be found at the Institute of Education's website www.ioe.ac.uk.
I enjoy travelling and working in different countries so as to see and experience how people live and work in different parts of the world. Working as an educational consultant is an ideal way to pursue this interest.
There are more details on the biography page of projects I have worked on. Copies of consultancy reports and research publications can be found in the Library page of this web site.
If you would like to contact me about educational finance or the economics of education please go to the contacts page.